Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Our Missionaries
True Freedom
True Freedom Ministries dedicated to reaching Ohio's prisoners, homeless and addicted with the truth of God's Word and the true freedom found only in Jesus Christ.
Richland Pregnancy Services
At Richland Pregnancy Services, we are here to walk with you on your journey. We will lay out all your options, making sure that you understand everything that is available to you before you choose.
Erick and Yoamy Sanchez
Erick is working among the Lenca Indians, a largely unreached group in Central Honduras.
Armando Trejo
Armando Trejo is focused on church planting in the core zone of the Lenca—indigenous people in mountainous Southwestern Honduras.
Martin Lopez
In 2004, he was appointed as pastor of a small church in a mountain community. In 2010, he planted a church. Following his heart of Church Planting, Martin started another church in 2012. Martin serves as a church planter with a strategy to reach the Lencas.
Overland Missions - Asia
For Christ, we communicate the Gospel in remote places, with an emphasis on the new creation, in order to transform forgotten people, by making disciples and developing leaders.
Salomon Zambo
Preaching the Gospel, training evangelists, reviving churches in Cameroon.
G.R.O.W. was founded in 2009 when a group of like-minded people met Faa in the US, heard her passion to rescue at-risk and abused children and saw her resolve to fight this evil in SE Asia.
Isaias Cantarero
Isaías to ministers to the Lenca Indians in Honduras. Isaías is working full time planting churches in the communities of Northern Intibuca.
Raul Nunez
Raul Nunez’s ministry is focused on establishing new churches among the Lenca people and developing leaders within the Lenca churches in Honduras through the Lenca Bible Institute
Soul Purpose Missions
Soul Purpose Missions is a faith-based organization that spreads the gospel of Christ, by providing many different resources to areas of need. We are currently working alongside local missionaries in Nicaragua Guatemala.